Oven Dried Tomatoes


Dutch Apple Pie
A Wonderful Apple Pie
Fruit pies are easily in my top 10 favorite desserts, and if I am forced to pick just one, I think a solid apple pie reigns supreme.  Spring is about here but that does not mean apple pie is forgotten...
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Amino Paste_2Months_Chickpea12
Koji: Light Amino Pastes ("Misos")
Amino pastes is what Shih and Umansky in Koji Alchemy call these applications of Koji. It’s the category that Japanese miso belongs to. In Noma Guide to Fermentation they frequently use terms like...
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An image of a semi tall glass with red vermouth mix and ice of a cocktail called Negroni
Non-Alcoholic Back Bar Pt. III: Spanish rum & Sweet vermouth
Dry January is done and this here is the third and last post about the NA back bar, at least for this month. Please read (or at least skim) through the first post about this topic for more details and...
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A Simple Pot of Burghul (Lebanese Cracked Wheat)
Before there was rice, there was burghul. It was the staple grain in Lebanon and an essential part of the winter mouneh, the preserved, dried, pickled, foodstuff that sustained families through the cold...
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Hello! Elie Nassar here. I am a home cook, baker and (very) amateur photographer living in Houston, Texas. I spend most of my free time cooking, baking, preserving and everything in between. 

Have fun browsing through my little corner of the web as I cook, share and journal. Let me know what you think. I would love to hear from you using the email link below: Contact me

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