A long titled post suitable to a properly labor-intensive and delicious cold-weather meal. Both the Toulouse-style Cassoulet and the Walnut Tart are based on Paula Wolfert’s recipes in […]
Labor Day Bocks and Brats
We were in San Antonio this past weekend, so I did not have much time to prepare a full-fledged barbecue spread. San Antonio was a fun […]
The Glorious Croissant 2.0
Croissants were the very first food I posted about in my little blog here. It only seems fitting to update that post with a more picture-rich […]
Just Bread
This is basically a gratuitous picture post. I bake bread a couple of times a week and it is normally excellent, but every so often it […]
Corned Beef cooked Sous Vide
I’ve been exploring Sous Vide cooking using my Immersion Circulator often with excellent results. Deli-type meats seem like a no brainer for this cooking method, […]
Great Whole Wheat Pizza
I was about to lable this post something stupid like “Healthy Pizza” and then thought better of it. Properly made pizza with a lean, slow […]
Thom Leonard’s French Country Bread
I love these relaxed long baking projects, especially ones that make the time invested (albeit very little actual effort) worthwhile. Recently I stumbled on this […]
Glorious Croissant
I’ve made, or more like tried to make, these elusive awsome French (well actually they are of Viennese origin) a few times over the […]