A long titled post suitable to a properly labor-intensive and delicious cold-weather meal. Both the Toulouse-style Cassoulet and the Walnut Tart are based on Paula Wolfert’s recipes in […]
Labor Day Bocks and Brats
We were in San Antonio this past weekend, so I did not have much time to prepare a full-fledged barbecue spread. San Antonio was a fun […]
Yellow: Tomatoes, Saffron, Corn, Virtual Egg
A while back I was making a chicken stew that included saffron, a Tagine really. The saffron needed to soak and flavor a portion of […]
Peaches and Cream, Streusel and Cherries
When I think of Texas fruits, two immediately come to mind, ruby red grapefruit and peaches. That’s fairly narrow thinking, since Texas is so huge […]
The Glorious Croissant 2.0
Croissants were the very first food I posted about in my little blog here. It only seems fitting to update that post with a more picture-rich […]
Jogging-Trail Dewberries
I’ve been trying to eat a little better and working out some more lately. When my son has soccer practice, I go jogging along the […]
A Superb Pineapple Upside Down Cake
The saying “Tastes like Sunshine” has to be one of the most clichéd terms in the food writing and TV world and its pretty damn stupid. […]
Lebanese Baklawa
All of the Baklawa (or Baklava) versions are made with filo, a nut filling and a sweet syrup. However, what makes Lebanese Baklawa different than Greek […]
Panna Cotta, Pineapple, Pistachio
It all started with the honey-yogurt panna cotta. I wanted something light and creamy and had a lot of yogurt on hand so the idea to […]
Instant Sponge Cakes
Pastry chefs have been using this method for making quick sponge cake for years. As far as I know Albert Adria invented it years ago […]