Thai curries are one of my favorite south Asian foods that I don’t cook as much as I should. Every time I make it at […]
Sous Vide
Short Rib, Chard Ribs, Eggplant, Yogurt
It might not look like it, but this dish’s inspiration and flavor is Lebanese. I love swiss chard ribs, those central stalks in each leaf […]
Cod, Lentils and Chips
This is loosely based on an Alinea dish that has something like 30 different components. The Alinea recipe combines flaky white sea bass with lentils, […]
Alinea: BOAR, Shallot, Cider, Burning Oak Leaves
Fall is finally here -more or less I suppose- and changing the way I cook is natural. Even if I can find tomatoes and peppers well into […]
Noma: Pig Belly and Potato Skins, Cep Oil and Wood Chips
Cooking with woodchips and hay (yeah, hay) might seem way weird at first glance. My 8-year old was beyond shocked when I told him that I […]
Labor Day Bocks and Brats
We were in San Antonio this past weekend, so I did not have much time to prepare a full-fledged barbecue spread. San Antonio was a fun […]
Modernist Cuisine Barbecue
Most probably assume that Modernist Cuisine only makes food that looks like foam or spheres or something extra fancy. Well, sure it has all those things, […]
Under Pressure: Calf’s Heart Confit, Toasted Pecans, Cherries, Baby Beets
If we are going to kill and eat animals, we really should try to utilize as much of the carcass as possible. Only eating the “good […]
Alinea: PORK, Grapefruit, Sage, Honey
This Alinea dish combines some classic combinations in a more or less classic presentation. It’s basically a pork with polenta dish with a few twists…and […]