Duck Fat Potato Cake

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I am doing a lot of cooking these days as usual, it is just getting tougher to bring up the energy to post a lot. Still cooking and baking is one of the few mind relaxing activities in these times of home quarantine and COVID! This potato “cake” is a relaxing repetitive activity that makes a delicious dish much superior to the sum of its parts.

Book of St John

Potato Slices

It’s a recipe adapted from Fergus Henderson’s Book of St. John (a lovely read if there is ever one and a great companion to his previous compendium Nose to Tail). This is -I think- a classic French preparation and I have seen it before made with clarified butter. Duck fat though, really makes this a special treat adding flavor and flaky crispier texture.

Potato Slices2

I sliced Russet potatoes as thin as possible on a mandolin and rinsed them well. To get them as dry as possible I spun them in the salad spinner and did my best to pat them dry. These then got tossed with a few healthy doses of melted duck fat and salt.

Duck Fat

Duck Fat2

Next comes the layering. It’s quiet a relaxing and meditative exercise this one. I lined a loaf pan with parchment paper and starting laying the thin slices of duck fat glazed potatoes in it. One at a time, alternating layers it goes to create, as Henderson calls it, a strata of potato.

When the layering is done, the pan is covered tightly in foil and baked until a knife easily goes through the potatoes. Now, very similar to a terrine, we need to weigh the layers of potato. This ensures that the layers get fused together into a “cake”. I used a smaller loaf pan on top of the potato, a couple of large tomato cans in that and the book on top. Once cooled I transferred the weighted pans (no book though!) to the fridge to set overnight.

Potato Cake

Potato Cake2

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The final step involves frying the potatoes into delectable ducky flaky blocks. I took the cake out of the pan and cut it into neat rectangular blocks. These blocks are then finished by a deep frying step in hot peanut oil until crispy on all sides. Remove, drain and sprinkle with salt. Done. Well, kind of done. What to eat it with?

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Well, they are delicious on their own, with some regular low-brow ketchup or some fancy homemade carrot ketchup and some sprinkles of black salt.

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They are excellent with a couple of eggs and home cured bacon.

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I’m sure they would make amazing side to fried fish instead of normal chips. I still have to try that yet…or how about a nice steak and a few dollops of Bearnaise?

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