February 16, 2025
Amino pastes is what Shih and Umansky in Koji Alchemy call these applications of Koji. It’s the category that Japanese miso belongs to. In Noma Guide to Fermentation they frequently use terms like...
April 2, 2024
Shio Koji translates to Salt Koji and this is exactly what it is. It’s another simple and quick application of your newly made batch of koji. It has a wonderful impact on proteins you apply it to....
November 20, 2023
Amazake is one of the easiest application of your newly made batch of koji. It’s a mildly sweet porridge-drink made by mixing koji with cooked grains and water and letting it ferment for a few hours....
July 7, 2023
I’ve tried a couple of different methods to incubate and produce Koji. By far my favorite method is -surprise surprise- from Koji Alchemy and involves using an immersion circulator to control temperature...
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