This dessert tasted great. The flavors worked perfectly. It had some very nice textures. If only that coconut foam cooperated, it would’ve looked as good as I had planned as well. At some point I wanted to also include a banana component in this dish but I did not have the proper ingredients, so no banana. I’ll have to do it over again sometime.
The Kit Kat portion is straight from Michel Richard’s book “Happy in the Kitchen“. It’s made from a base of chocolate, peanut butter and corn flakes and a top half of chocolate mousse. After it thoroughly chills it is sliced into neat rectangles and dusted with cocoa. They look like Kit Kat bars but taste way way better. They taste fantastic on their own.
The gelato is chocolate with a bit of coffee flavor added in. I used Starbucks’ VIA instant coffee to get a nice coffee flavor without adding any liquid to the mix. The peanut brittle is very easy to make. I caramelized about a cup of sugar and added in a tablespoon of butter and a cup of roasted peanuts. I spread the mixture on a Silpat until completely cooled and broke it up to pieces.
The coconut was supposed to be a stiff foam that will keep it’s shape on the plate. It’s made from coconut milk, sugar, milk and gelatin. Then it is refrigerated in an iSi canister and charged with NO2. Unfortunately it looks like I used too little gelatin. The foam dispensed nicely from the whipping cream canister but lost its nice shape within a few seconds and turned to a foamy puddle. It still tasted good and had a very good taste and foamy mouthfeel. Since the foam failed to keep its shape I tried to change the plating a bit on one of the servings, with some success. It shows promise but the portion looks too big and bulky.