Mario Batali Book Signing – Central Market – Houston

I stood in line, bought a book and got it signed. That’s pretty much how it went. It really was too fast, but it’s cool to meet the guy (well one of them, the other is Jamie Oliver) who got me so interested in Italian cooking. The first cookbook I ever bought was his “Simple Italian Food” and I still use it.

Apparently there was some sort of cooking demo before the book signing. Now THAT would be cool to attend. Unfortunately that was not advertised and it was by ‘invitation-only’. As one of the store managers explained to me, Central Market not Mario invite a group of people for the demo. I wonder how to get on this list…

Outside the store

In line, right outside the cooking school at Central Market

Random poster

The latest book

Batali and Bastianich

Yours truly

0 thoughts on “Mario Batali Book Signing – Central Market – Houston”

  1. Well, I’m still jealous. I’d have probably Chris Farley-ed it.
    Joe needs to share his dieting tips with Mario, I think.

  2. I’m soooo turnin green as I read this! AND he’s even wearing the orange clogs!!!!! I need to go on there website. i know David Lebowitz is coming soon.

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