Sous Vide Rice

It is really inspiring reading Michale Laiskonis’ Workbook blog. I make it a point to visit the blog and save any new recipe to my collection. You never know when I might need to make a fizzy tablet or a blue corn soda. Not today though. Today, I am posting about another sweet treat done a bit differently. I’ve been experimenting with cooking Sous Vide for a couple months now so when I saw the post about parcooking Arborio rice at 65 C degrees, I had to give it a shot. The idea is that the rice is cooked until the starches gelatinize, but the kernels are not soft yet. The grains are then held until service time where they can be transformed into a risotto or as Laiskonis’ did, into a rich an velvety rice pudding.

Rice Pudding with dried apricots and vanilla bean, served with mangoes and mint.

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