How does barbecue done in a three star restaurant look like? Like this dish that I made using the last third of pork belly I […]
Tag: Grant Achatz
Alinea: PERSIMMON, Aroma Strip, Carrot, Red Curry
Persimmons are one of my favorite fruit. I bet one does not hear that too often, but these orange fruits really are one of my […]
Alinea: Pork Cheek, Pumpernickel, Gruyere, Scallions
This dish belongs in the spring section of the Alinea book. With ramps and green garlic as two of its main components (ramps goes where that scallions is in […]
Alinea: Chocolate, warmed to 94 degrees
From the title of this recipe one would not know what to expect. Is it a hot chcolate drink? Just warmed chocolate? Honestly it sounds […]
Alinea: BOAR, Shallot, Cider, Burning Oak Leaves
Fall is finally here -more or less I suppose- and changing the way I cook is natural. Even if I can find tomatoes and peppers well into […]
Alinea: PORK, Grapefruit, Sage, Honey
This Alinea dish combines some classic combinations in a more or less classic presentation. It’s basically a pork with polenta dish with a few twists…and […]
Alinea: HALIBUT, Shellfish, Water Chestnuts
Reading through this recipe in the Alinea cookbook I got the feeling that this will be a warm and comforting dish. What I could not wrap […]
Alinea, Food “documentation” and the DBwRCF
Really? A tripod and a video camera? I guess I was too naive to think that people know when there are lines that they should […]